Health Coaching

We are an ally in your journey toward behavior change

Behavior change is only successful if you tap into the inner motivations of client’s desires. Engaging in healthier behaviors to meet personal goals requires both commitment and determination. A healthy mind leads to better productivity in the work space.

We offer state-of-the-art health coaching that will empower clients to adopt change that promote corporate wellness. We use the following techniques: appreciative inquiry, reflection, meditation, and goal setting.

“Her passion for coaching and supporting individuals for better health and lifestyle outcomes was evident and resonated well with a 50+ audience of practitioners, students and academics.”

Ready to Take Your Organization to the next Level?

At Mango Consulting we are prepared to personally engage your team in a journey to achieve inclusive excellence. Join the thousands of companies who have embraced the opportunity to created added value to their organizations and the create their work spaces a sweeter way to work!

Let’s talk